new indian scout teaser

Indian Motorcycle has confirmed that the new Indian Scout will be revealed on 2 April 2024. The American motorcycle manufacturer has released a teaser video too.

The teaser, unveiled on Indian Motorcycle’s official YouTube channel, offers a glimpse into what bike enthusiasts can expect from the upcoming global premiere of the new Indian Scout. While the video remains cryptic, one striking element is the nostalgic nod to the early 20th century, featuring an original Scout alongside an antiquated camera. This deliberate choice suggests a profound homage to the Scout’s illustrious ancestry, hinting at a blend of heritage and modern innovation.

It is being speculated whether the new Scout will inherit the renowned Indian Motorcycle Red paint scheme, reminiscent of the recently released 2024 Indian Roadmaster Elite. This iconic hue has adorned many legendary models throughout Indian Motorcycle’s history.

Originating in 1920, the Scout emerged as one of Indian’s most revered models, marking a significant milestone in the brand’s illustrious journey. Initially equipped with a modest 606cc engine, the Scout underwent evolution, boasting a robust 745cc motor from 1927 onwards. Over the decades, the Scout has evolved into a powerhouse, with its latest iteration featuring a formidable 1,133cc V-twin engine, showcasing Indian Motorcycle’s commitment to blending heritage with cutting-edge technology.

As the unveiling date draws near, anticipation mounts regarding the specifications of the “all-new” Scout.
