Coronavirus has hit the entire world hard. It has affected almost every industry. In Italy, the number of cases has sore exponentially in a short time. The authorities are taking the necessary measures to gain control of the situation. Amidst all this chaos, Ducati, one of the leading Italian motorcycle company, has decided to close its production lines until 25 March 2020.

Since the beginning of the health emergency in Italy, on 24 February 2020, Ducati has adopted an important series of measures to limit the probability of the virus spreading at its plant in Borgo Panigale, in a very timely manner and in advance of later arrangements. The most important was the measurement of the temperature at each person entering the plant, access was limited to necessary personnel, a strong urge to work from home, meetings with reduction of participants and distance between them and cafeteria with special procedures and revision of shifts to reduce close contact between people.

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Despite all this, Ducati had already decided to suspend production from 13 March 2020 to 18 March 2020 included, to implement a series of protocols and actions on the production lines, to further increase the safety level of workers and to introduce a multi-shift work program to halve the number of people on the assembly line at the same time.

The postponement of the reopening to 25 March 2020 was necessary to ensure full compliance with the new guidelines which will require a few more days of work and modifications to the structures.

On the other hand, all activities related to the development of new products and market support continue, in compliance with the rules of conduct against the spread of the virus, making extensive use of work from home technology.