honda-motocompacto-front quarter

Honda has come up with an interesting electric scooter for urban use. Called the Motocompacto, it is a compact and foldable model that can easily fit the boot of your car and even be carried on public transport.

The Honda Motocompacto measures 29.2 x 21.1 x 3.7 inches when fully folded and weighs 18.7 kg. It has a 490W front wheel hub motor that generates 16 Nm of torque. The electric scooter is said to have a top speed of 24 kmph.

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The suitcase-sized electric scooter is run by a 6.8 Ah battery that is capable of giving a range of around 20 km. As for the charging, it tops up in 3.5 hours using a 110V outlet.

Some of the other features of the Honda Motocompacto include a single seat, foldable footpegs, annd an LED display. There is also a mobile app that lets users have access to various settings like riding modes, lighting, etc. Honda has also provided a convenient handle for carrying the EV around easily.

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The Honda Motocompacto will go on sale in November 2023 with a price of USD 995 (AED 3654).